Welcome! Connect with me and a lifetime of writing projects using the links on this page.
I can write for you
I’m a web content writer specializing in small projects for individuals and small businesses. Turn to me for a single blog post, new text for every page of your site or fresh and compelling regular content. To discuss working together, please reach out using this form (coming soon).
Exclusive content for you
These resources are by Gip Plaster and do not appear elsewhere.
Hobbies That Don’t Hurt Your Hands
An ever-growing group of ideas for pastimes that don’t strain your hands.
What To Do With 5 Minutes
Useful ways to avoid wasting time, even if it’s only 5 minutes.
My other sites
17 Word Stories
Stories told in just enough words.
Gip’s Front Yard
Articles, microfiction and other content that doesn’t fit anywhere else.
So Much More Life
My now-completed simple living blog that’s hosted on this domain.
GayScribe LGBTQ Press Archive
Small repository of selected content written for LGBTQ publications, mostly in the 1990s.
Social media I sometimes use