There are no shoulds or shouldn’ts. There’s only what works and what doesn’t.
– paraphrased from the Conversations with God book series by Neale Donald Walsch
I previously decided to focus my blogging on four areas: Bookselling, Simpler Living, Writing Life and Spirituality. I’ve allowed myself a Hodgepodge section for occasional posts on whatever else I want to write about.
The Spirituality category, however, has been neglected. This week, I considered eliminating it, but I’m not going to do that.
Still, I can think of several reasons why I might not make a good spirituality writer. Here are three:
1. I have no qualifications. Other than successfully maneuvering life’s challenges for almost four decades, I don’t have any experience or education in religion or spirituality. I’m not a preacher, guru or yogi. My degree is in communication, and I’ve never taken a religion class.
2. My views about spirituality are so simple, I could soon run out of things to write about. Silly details don’t matter much to me, so I can’t write about belief systems I follow or rituals in which I take part. I am part of God, and you are, too. I am part of you, and God is, too. I could stop now. There’s really no reason to say it again.
3. I have other things to write about. I have piles of papers on my desk with ideas for blog posts, and very few of them relate to spirituality. I could write about simplifying my life for years, and I know a lot about bookselling, so writing for those sections is easy. The Writing Life section is neglected, too, and writing about writing is something I really want to do.
To be fair to myself — and you, too — I’m also creating a post about why I’m writing about spirituality despite these three reasons I shouldn’t. I’ll post that next week.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.