I wish I had studied less and had more fun when I was in school. That’s why I’ve decided that “B” students in high school and college are probably smarter than “A” students. That assumes, of course, that everyone could be an “A” student and that those with less than stellar grades get them because they don’t apply themselves, not because they aren’t very smart.
I was, as you can imagine, an “A” student.
I’m not bragging about my accomplishment. In fact, if I had studied less and enjoyed my life more I would have probably left school a more well-rounded person, ready to face the world. As it turned out, I left college without a marketable skill other than writing, which I was already doing professionally before I started college.
A college education is important. I gained a much fuller understanding of the world’s diverse peoples, places and ideas because I accepted the college challenge, one that no one in my family has accepted before or since. Skipping college would have been a bad idea. Skipping a few more class sessions would have been a great idea.
It may be had to find anyone to agree with me, but that’s my conclusion and I’m sticking to it. I shouldn’t have tried so hard.
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Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.