Even though it is Christmas week… Even though our trash service is off schedule… Even though I had work to do early in the week that kept me from doing any cleaning… Even though the weather was too nasty late in the week to get last week’s load of rejected items delivered to Goodwill…
I’m a bit disappointed with my progress on the great decluttering of the house. Still, progress was made.
I don’t keep very careful mental notes about unusual occurrences, but I don’t ever remember a true white Christmas here, and I’ve lived in the same area all my life. I’m sure there have been snow flurries and ice before, but on December 24, 2009 my part of North Texas was under a Winter Storm Warning, a High Wind Warning and some other alerts, advisories and commentaries that I’ve already forgotten. By Christmas morning, the beautiful sight seem in this photo remained. (The photo also hints that the neighbor behind us needs to declutter his yard. Snow covers much of the junk, however.)
I had planned to stay in all day Thursday, December 24 working on two projects: decluttering the house and tidying up my blog. The bad weather made my decision to stay inside even more firm. I stayed in, but I didn’t get anything done to the blog, and my progress on the decluttering was minimal.
I had a large pile of DVDs, many of which we had already watched, stacked near the TV. I managed to successfully diminish the pile. I put discs back in their proper packages and threw away a few VHS tapes and bits of debris. More importantly, I was able to list for sale about a dozen of the items on my bookselling accounts. (You may remember that I sell books for a living, and I also sells CDs and DVDs when I find some.) That eliminates some precariously positioned clutter — the items I have for sale are organized and filed away — and will also generate some much-needed additional income. One of the items has already sold, in fact.
I’m not sure what excuse to use for not accomplishing more. I didn’t feel very well — and I was concerned about the deteriorating weather plans interfering with my Christmas Day plans. And, everyone is entitled to a day off, right? Whatever the excuse, I move on from here.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.