The decluttering and simplifying project wasn’t top of mind this week, but I knew it wouldn’t be.
Despite some time lost to allergies and assorted aches, pains and complaints, I accomplished most of the important things this week.
The spare time I usually use to clean and declutter was taken this week with completing my taxes. I don’t actually do them myself, but I compile all the information. Everything is gathered now and ready to be mailed out in the next couple of days. My mid-year computer change made getting this information together more complex than it should have been, but it’s done. Finally.
We had originally planned a weekend in Dallas, including a hotel stay on Friday night, to attend the North Texas Irish Festival on Friday and Saturday. To save some money, though, and simplify (there’s that word again) the process, we decided to drive over both days, allowing us to take a friend with us Friday night. I had ruled out getting much done this week because the weekend away would consume my free time — but it’s all in a good cause. Supporting Irish music and culture is a great cause, in my opinion, even though my family history has few connections to Ireland.
I did manage to clear out one more book crate that has been on the floor of my office. With it emptied and the few remaining books combined into another crate, the floor space in my office is increasing. And we still managed to get a few bags of trash ready for Friday’s pick-up.
We have lots of fun events planned for ourselves in March, and it will be a challenge to find time to continue the cleaning and decluttering at the same pace. Based on my progress so far, I feel I need to pick up the tempo rather than decrease it, but I’m not sure that will be possible.
I have the rest of my life to complete this process, but I would rather it take a little less time than that.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.