Be careful what you wish for. That’s this week’s lesson.
One of my life’s recent priorities has been to return to professional writing after an eight-year detour through the exciting world of competitive online bookselling. (The word “competitive” is included in the previous sentence to add some sporting excitement, but it really is a competitive field.)
It’s good that the book business has been very slow recently, because I’ve picked up lots of small writing assignments. Every single one of them is simple, beneath the level of my talents (I would add a parenthetical comment here, but there was one in the previous paragraph) and very low paying, but they’re all appreciated. As I said, books are moving slower than a snail with a head cold (again, too soon for more parentheses, but that’s a silly expression), so I’m glad to have the work.
And I don’t think I can keep up this pace much longer.
My new goal related to re-establishing my writing business is to find some ways to speed up my climb along the writing food chain to some higher-paying assignments.
Very little cleaning or decluttering happened this week because I’ve been so busy writing, but we have almost made a decision. We’re really going to eliminate our weekly trash service, probably by the end of the year. I’ll write more about that in the coming days. That will save money and eliminate something from our lives that I have always thought seemed out of place: Why would a person with a simple, deliberate life have so much unnecessary stuff on a weekly basis that he needs to pay someone to haul it away?
As these 52-weeks of decluttering updates are drawing to a close, I’m not completely happy that we still have a lot of clutter in our home. Shouldn’t I be making a final push to finish some things? Of course, the weekly updates will end, but we have the rest of our lives to improve ourselves and our home.
And the rest of my life is falling into place fairly nicely, so I’m content.
Being content is a very powerful thing.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.