As I’ve simplified my life, I’ve noticed that my mind’s tendency to spiraling out of control has mostly eased away, leaving me with a brain that’s much more functional than before. Have you noticed a similar mental benefit from turning toward the simple life?
For most of my life, my mind seemed to be in overdrive. My thoughts were always running away with themselves. Whether it was a downward spiral of depression because of a small misstep, an upward spiral of excitement about a project that was going better than expected or unceasing planning and rehashing as I prepared for sleep, my mind wouldn’t leave me alone.
Now, my thoughts and I get along well most of the time. The spirals and lapses of control are exceptions rather than the rule.
Shifting deliberately toward a simpler life has made a big difference in my thought processes, and that’s making a positive difference in the quality of my life. I’ve also learned some coping mechanisms that help me deal with any overactive thoughts that may happen.
These three techniques help me get through days when my simple lifestyle choices aren’t enough to keep my thoughts from running away with me:
1. Appease.
One of the simplest ways to deal with a mind in overdrive is to put it at ease. Maybe it’s not the most enlightened way of dealing with a problem, but it works. And sometimes, that’s all that matters.
If it’s a concern about an unlocked door or an electronic payment that might have cleared before the money to pay it arrived, the simplest way to get the worry off my mind is to provide accurate information. That is, I give in by giving my brain exactly what it wants. That means going back to be sure locked the door is locked or checking the bank balance.
When my mind won’t budge from a particular line of thought, it will sometimes accept nothing less than being proven right – or wrong.
2. Meditate.
Meditation is a sometimes-misunderstood term. In its most basic form, meditation is simply thinking about a problem until the thought processes related to it are complete. For me, however, it’s a spiritual exercise of letting go and turning the problem over to God/the universe/whatever.
If you don’t know how to meditate, try taking deep breaths and letting your mind go blank – or saying a prayer to whatever higher powers you learned about as a child. Those powers are still listening even if you haven’t called to them in years.
You can successfully meditate today even if you’ve never done it before. Chanting, praying or thinking problems through to their conclusions often clears my head better than any other method.
3. Accept the worst.
What’s the worst that could happen? If you can make peace with whatever that might be, you’ll be OK.
Thinking about worst case scenarios may be bad advice from a spiritual or psychological standpoint, but it has helped me calm my mind when nothing else could. If I can find a way forward even if the worst possible thing happens, I know I can deal with whatever smaller calamity is more likely.
I know it’s better to focus on positive thoughts, but examining the worst case scenario can be helpful. I try to plan for the best rather than the worst, but I know this tool is available to me when I need it.
What About You?
If your mind sometimes takes you along for journeys on which you’d rather not go, you must find a way to cope. These techniques along with living a simple, deliberate life of good decisions can help. If you can’t relate to this post or don’t understand what I’m talking about, that’s great. You’ve either conquered your out-of-control mind or never had the problem in the first place. I could worry about why my mind sometimes leads me to disastrous places where others never go, but I don’t think I will. It doesn’t seem like a very good way to live my best life.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.
It may just be coincidence but I am able to ‘detach’ much more easily now from situations – whether that’s linked to the direction I’m taking in leading a simple life, or simply I’m maturing, I not sure…
Maturing probably has something to do with it too. Of course, simplifying is part of maturing for me. I’m not sure one could have happened without the other…
Very true oh wise one! 😉
Thinking through to the worst case scenario has helped me many times. It’s usually not nearly as bad as the unthought scenario made me feel it might be.
I’ve found that to be true also. The advice is usually to not think about bad things, but I find comfort in accepting all possible outcomes. Thanks for commenting, Linda.
In my case, appeasing my mind works best. I am able to sleep better this way.
this topic interests me. my mind is almost always in overdrive. it yammers on endlessly about nothing in particular and everything in general. clips from recent broadcasts I’ve listened to, phrases from phone conversations, snatches of songs blah blah blah. mantras and chanting help some. I find it best to ignore it as much as possible. works better than trying to quiet it.
Lorie – tip – blog. That’s the main reason I started blogging as I had a constant narrative running through my mind. Now I have somewhere to dump it. Alternatively write it down on paper, dispose of (or keep – but in my case do not keep, as I have attachment issues to paper) and offload! Jo
I would like to put a few questions toward you. I used to be a hyper person
whose mind raced a mile a minute. In that frame of mind, I was energetic and competitive.
Now as a calmer person who has simplified her life, when I approch prosepctive employers, I am seen as less competitive since usually the employer is a manic person going in 101 different directions and I am calm, receptive, and focused.
While I am able to focus on one thing at a time and see projects through to fruition, even making them better than I did as a manic person, those who are in the rat race often judge their more enlightened brethren as slow, unmotivated, etc.
For example, my interviewer waxed on for over an hour about the job. I responded to her questions in a concise, focused way but felt dismissed as uncompetitive since I couldn’t match her caffinated manic energy.
Do you know what I’m talking about …if so, any suggestions? Thanks so much….
Are you seen as less competitive as a calmer, zen person..and how do OTHERS react to you…do you lose out on job opportunities since you are no longer exuding manic, indiscriminate energy that will take on anything as opposed to being focused and discerning in your approach?
I don’t think it’s helpful to be concerned about how others perceive you. If the person you interviewed with was as manic as you say, you couldn’t have worked with her anyway. If the interviewer is a different sort of person, there’s nothing you can do about that.
A truly zen attitude would be to release all attachment to outcomes and just be who you are today. Enough good things will come your way to satisfy your needs.
I think people have always found me distant and a bit out of touch with reality, and I sort of like it that way.