I hope you haven’t forgottten about me during my very brief absence from blogging. I’ll be back on Tuesday wih a new post encouraging you to help me form a simple, deliberate approach to social media.
I use Facebook and I have Twitter followers, but I can’t say that I’m using social networking tools well. Together, maybe we can develop a simple approach that’s deliberately aimed at getting the kinds of results we each want.
You’re welcome to comment on that subject now, but I’ll offer my comments on Tuesday. I’m still taking a break at the moment — although it feels very much like a regular day.

Gip Plaster is a web content writer. Previously a journalist, online bookseller and even a corporate advertising guy, Gip now specialize in writing high-quality content for websites — his and other people’s. Learn more here.
Ready and waiting for your (triumphant?) return. 😀
It seems like I haven’t been anywhere — probably because I haven’t.
But triumphant? Yes.
I don’t do Facebook and rarely use Twitter, but I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on social networking. In my opinion, they are too much bother and can become a huge time sink if one isn’t careful. If and how someone uses social networking probably has a lot to do with what they hope to accomplish by doing so (or not).
The social networking post is up now. No answers, but lots of thoughts…